A few from the Animal Kingdom

Nice job with the second one, Jeff. ; That was a fun night... ; marathon, but fun. ; Thanks, buddy.
Wow! ; Both of them are stunning!!! ; I love the reflection in the Everest shot and the color is awesome in the waterfall from Flame Tree!!

Side note: I never miss a mean at Flame Tree, best quick service in WDW ; in my opinion.

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Both very nice - I finally got that first scene myself in December. ; But I love the way the second one came out - the waterfall has an especially nice texture and glow.
I found that waterfall the first time I ate there, and love to go back during photo runs and try to catch a good shot of it. ; I think the lower light plays into making this a better shot as I have not been able to get a good one of it yet during the brighter daylight hours.
you have learned much grasshopper, your skills are improving, soon you will be ready for the pixelmania test
Thanks Gary! ; I am hoping that I can be up for any Pixelmania challenge that may arise. ; As I am working with the monorail now, I am always looking for new shot ideas, and I have at least two that I plan on trying sometime soon. ; In the meantime, I took this shot and had to clone something out of it. ; I wanted to see if you could tell easily where it was. ; I will post the original after a few have had a chance to guess. ; Thanks for the help guys, I really appreciate it.

The eye is pretty good at recognizing regular patterns where there shouldn't be one. I was immediately drawn to the left side ground, then above that. After you've cloned out what you don't want, go over the area again and add some randomness to it.

You've been posting some great shots!

Yeah it was late when I was doing that and I didn't see it till I came back to it this morning, I am working on it some more now to see what I can do with it now that I am not a zombie. LOL

Thanks Erich.
That is a nice shot Jeff. A little more cleanup & it will be fantastic.

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