6, twine and blue


Staff member
I like the colors in this one!

Looks like Pixar Place is where to set your camera to Vivid!
The D300 sensor seems to have a tendency in Vivid mode to blow the red channel out and bleed into neighboring pixels. I noticed it every now and then, but it reminds me of Agfa Ultra 50.

Took a shot with that film at DL one time.

Of a bed of red and white roses.

Can't tell that they are roses. Because it looks like green stuff with red (bright bright bright) blobs. No detail, no contrast, because it was "bleeding" red.

I think Ultra 50 was the most saturated negative film ever made for 135.
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This is what I was talking about Craig

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Wow, that red is REALLY blown out! Was this a setting on the camera or something that occurred in post processing?
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interesting, I wasn't sure what happened here!

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"Roger" said:
vivid mode?
yes vivid.
On my d80 vivid was perfect for saturation. on the d300 vivid means VIVID!
I find that "landscape" does a better job for more "normal" saturation.
Vivid is like using the eight crayon pack for coloring.