A while ago I posted a link to a map that had been made of Twilight Zone Tower of Terror inside the computer game Half Life 2.
Well now I've come across things like that for the Adventurer's Club and for the Disneyland Indiana Jones ride.
If you go to youtube to view the videos (just click in the video window once the video is playing) you'll be able to view HD versions of them, and also there's a link at the beginning of the Indiana Jones one to another version of the video that's supposed to be better.
Well now I've come across things like that for the Adventurer's Club and for the Disneyland Indiana Jones ride.
If you go to youtube to view the videos (just click in the video window once the video is playing) you'll be able to view HD versions of them, and also there's a link at the beginning of the Indiana Jones one to another version of the video that's supposed to be better.