DCA - Grizzly Peak area


Staff member
Grizzly Peak is, like the national parks it is modeled after, is known for its scenic views. Post photos of them here.
As I was leaving the park, there were a bunch of people gathered near the Grizzly River Run taking photos. Since it was night and GRR was among the many attractions that were down during my visit, I wondered what was going on. Was it a bunny rabbit or a squirrel, or perhaps a pair of them doing non-Disney-like things?

No, it was a scenic view of the area's namesake peak along with a full moon. Pretty impressive, though next time I need to take two shots, one exposed for the mountain and one exposed for the moon. Then all I have to do is figure out how to blend them together. ;)

Growl at the Moon
There are a couple of cool vehicles to see in Grizzly Peak. This Willys pickup sits behind Grizzly River Run near the abandoned mine.

Park Ride
I was surprised to discover that there were actual gold mines in California. I'm more familiar with the methods used in the early years of the gold rush: panning in the rivers and using a stream of high-pressure water to "dig" for gold in the hills. But the Eureka Gold and Timber Company obviously used the pick & shovel method to tunnel deep in the ground.

There's Gold in Them Thar Hills
There are a couple of cool vehicles to see in Grizzly Peak. This Willys pickup sits behind Grizzly River Run near the abandoned mine.

Park Ride
i consider the willys the classic american ride, these were pretty common around my parts when i was a yute. and the guys working for grumman aircraft were a handy bunch and they pioneered shoehorning the buick v-6 motors into these and making the 4 wheel drive pro conversions work