@ExploringWDW , I do not want to tell you not to go. I will tell you my experience from August though and let you use it (or not) to help your decision.
The biggest reason we did go in August is we had to get Amanda to school, had passes and "free" hotel with DVC.
First off, wearing a mask EVERYWHERE was weird, AND annoying. It was in the August heat and you are going in the way more manageable month of February. We actually both (Jen and I) kept feeling like we should not have gone.
We did not pay for anything but food and souvenirs. The cost of our passes was already taken care of the fact we bought them back in 2019. Both Jen and Amanda got extended thru early September and mine is still active. In August the crowds were lower than they are these days and we waited very little time for anything BUT Runaway Railway. I did LOVE that ride, but 2 trips to DHS got me one that 2 times, and we failed at Rise 1 of the 2 times. Those rules have changed since, as I'm sure you are aware.
Waiting in a queue was probably one of the best things about this new world we live in. Having 6-10 feet of space in front of and behind you was fantastic. Never once did I get angry at some kid or their parents ignoring said kid as they walked/bumped into me LOL.
It was extremely strange to be back at the hotel each night near 8 pm and not still in a park waiting for a show. There are no shows to speak of, again, as you are very well aware.
If I had the chance to change whether or not I did go in August I would do it again because the crowds were the smallest I have ever seen and I got to do plenty of attractions. Would I do it if I had to pay for park passes, I don't think I would.
We also have not decided if we are going to get passes for the summer of 2021, even though we are going to probably do a few days or week before getting Amanda set up for the fall semester and just relax at the resort.
For what it is worth, my wife would not do it again.
I know that
@RedOctober25 and
@Nancy AK have been in October and November. Maybe they can give 2 cents?