World of Color

Will G

I was trying to decide what photos to share here and I reasoned that my most recent trip to the Disneyland Resort would have the most immediacy. ; And then I looked around and noticed there weren’t very many pictures of World of Color (less than six, I think).
So here are a few of my shots from Jan 21, 2012. ; It was my second viewing of the show and I tried not to go crazy taking pictures because I didn’t have high hopes of getting great pictures freehanded at night of water. ; I also find that you can miss a lot of a show’s experience when you’re focused on a view finder or screen – so I didn’t want to cheat myself after standing for more than an hour.
I still took a bunch. ; I processed about 30, but here are four. ; I wanted to choose those that came out well and showed multiple elements – water screen, fountains, Fun Wheel lighting, fire, etc.







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One more for now.
I thought this picture of other camera screens was amusing.


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Cool shots. I'm hoping to make it there next year. What are your thoughts about DL compared to WDW?
"HPS3" said:
What are your thoughts about DL compared to WDW?

Never been WDW.
But I've seen pictures and I know some things are different.
I like the wide spaces in the pictures and I used to feel a little sorry for people who have to go to more than one Florida park to get the attractions we have in one park. ; But now we have our attractions broken up into two parks, so we have to get hoppers if we want Space Mountain, Star Tours, Soarin' Over California and... and... ; Well if I'm pressed for time, Soarin' Over California is the only MUST for me in DCA. ;
And yeah - I want to stress that it's Soarin' Over California. ; That ride and the aviation stuff in the preshow and Condor Flats make me really proud of my home state.

Florida has Kennedy Space Center, so it's got the grace note of the Areospace era. ; And North Carolina has Kittyhawk. ; But Southern California has Burbank, Edwards, Los Angeles, Vandenberg, etc... and so we own areospace... or we owned it. (Lockheed, McDonnell Douglas, Rockwell, Rocketdyne, TRW, North American Aviation, etc.)

Okay... I'll calm down now. ; This was question comparing WDW and DLR.
I'd really like to get it together and visit WDW... I'd like to see the things we don't have.
But every time Disney seems to get Florida centric, I like it when they get reminded that Anaheim has the only park Walt ever walked in.

Okay... I got swelled with pride again. ; Please forgive me ;)
(by the way... my SoCal aviation pride didn't crystalize until Soarin't Over Californa took flight in 2001! ;D)

Will G
Harry, in my opinon, Disneyland Park DESTROYS and OBLITERATES Magic Kingdom. ; And with the recent renovations and new additions, CALIFORNIA ADVENTURE is going right up against HOLLYWOOD STUDIOS and really holding its own. ;

But when you compare resort to resort, WDW wins just because of size and amount to see and do. ; That said, I really love Disneyland and will go there every chance I get. ;
I posted this Disney Parks acronym analogy on facebook a few days ago....
