Wishes 4/6/13 TTC Ferryboat dock.

Epcot 92

Here are some Lightroom edited shots of Wishes from the TTC Ferryboat dock.

Nighttime Spectactular by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

See what a little wishing can do? by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

5 shells by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

Red Glare by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

Light Showers by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

Peekaboo by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

Fountain of Blue by WhiteKnucklePhotos, on Flickr

This one was interesting to me, creative cropping made this somewhat decent.

Also still trying to find a good watermark...
Thoughts? Comments? Leave em' below!
Very nice... ;

I have to shoot from there again sometime soon. ; Been a LONG time.
Nice work! ; The dock is one of my favorite places to watch the show now that they play the music there too.