Would any of you Central Florida residents, and anyone else who may be in the area in early April (first week) be interested in doing a meet up for the wild Africa track? I am planning on going on the trek myself but if any of you would like to make it a group thing, it would be a welcome time for all. Please respond in this thread if you might be interested. ; I don't have an exact date yet, but need to know very soon if anyone else is planning on coming.
Not sure I heard about the Wild Africa Trek, but I am potentially going to be there @ WDW from April 6 - 14. This is not definite but if it plays out I would definitely be interested. Would be great to finally get to meet up with you.
I would love to go but it all depends on my financial situation at that time, so if I can say maybe and leave it at that for the moment.
That's my dilemma as well. Bought a new house in August & still trying to get the other one sold. Two mortgages can be a real drain, but I knew that going in. Will have to get this done before I can say for certain the trip will happen. ;
bump Tim, Play the Mega Millions tonight & you can foot the bill for all of us. One big happy group. ;
yeah... there ya go! ; i just got off the phone with the wdw tours dept and the going price for the week i will be there is ... ; $249! too rich for my blood right now, unfortunately. ; this summer for our big family trip it will be $149 for any of the afternoon tours... ; my guess is that might be more do-able. nothing precludes pixelmania, however! leo... nothing says we can't meet up, however. ; send me some trip plans and i will see if can make them intersect. ; (pm or email)