Who loves Disney Transportation!?

I had these two in another thread, but since they're Transportation-related, I'm also putting them in this thread:

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Low-Tech Disney Transportation...I even rode the trolley up Main Street USA in Disneyland. ; The horse power had some mighty powerful odor.

Some monorail 'distance' shots - it was really crappy dusk light, and overcast too...but still I liked the high and distant perspective from the roof of the BLT:





And just for fun, I did a very long exposure from the BLT roof, just messing about at night while waiting for fireworks...to get traffic ribbons - but also included in here are Disney busses at the MK station coming in and out, two monorails streaking past, and the Disney ferry to MK - three different transportations, but only in the form of streaking lights:
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Thanks Erich - that one was 83 seconds. ; I was in Bulb mode and using a wireless remote, so I was just going by feel - I set the aperture down to F13 because I didn't have an ND with me, and wanted to avoid blowing out with such a long exposure...then I tried to wait long enough for the monorails and busses to pass all the way through the shot. ; The one monorail had just come out of the station and I left it open long enough for him to make it into the Contemporary...the other monorail was headed in from Grand Floridian to the MK station way back there.
Thanks guys...

John, I actually thought of these shots from BLT specifically because I had a shot many years ago from Contemporary roof looking more into the station - I wanted to try again but from the new angle, but the downside was the poor lighting from all-day storms - though the mist and steam coming out of the trees from the earlier rain did give some cool atmosphere.

BTW - love that trolley shot - I don't know if I would have thought to shoot them from behind, but it really comes out great with the 4 guys in back and beautifully centered.
Monorail and Magic Kingdom:


Four transportation boats in one shot!

Two ferries crisscrossing:


Streaking ferry at night in long exposure:
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