Flower & Garden Sorcerer Mickey:
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"zackiedawg" said:Mickey parading into the raging storm:
Still working on my recent photos - this one was more of a snapshot that I decided to take as I was nearly RUNNING to the bus stop. ; The storm was coming in fast, looked mean (it was), and I wanted to get to the bus and under cover before the rain came down. ; As I was bailing for the exit, the parade had just started up! ; I was speedwalking my way through the turnstyles, through security, around the ferry dock, and to the bus area, with the rain falling literally in a whiteout curtain just 200 yards behind me and closing. ; I lunged for the bus stop awnings as the first big drops began to pelt, and beat the curtain by maybe 3 seconds. ; The parade would have been no farther than the middle of Main Street for the first float...and it came down like Niagara falls, with heavy lightning to boot - so I'm sure everyone lining the streets got a funny view of a very sped-up parade looking for the first available bailout spot (I think they've got an emergency exit right at that first 'cross street' on Main).
So that's my story! ; I had to snap the Mickey on the float right before the tempest fell.