Most of the time it's Aperature. Dark rides Shutter. Fireworks usually Manual. If I'm wandering the parks around at night with time to set up a shot I'll use manual.
I'm in Aperture priority 95% of the time but when I need to manhandle the thing I'll flip it to Manual.
Thats because you've learned from the advice given by others, Tom I shoot in Manual or Ap priority depending on the situation. ; Only shutter priority if I'm doing a pan shot.
I think aperture priority is the greatest thing since sliced bread. ; I prefer being able to control depth of field and am not as concerned about shutter speed unless it is for creative or technical effect. ; Fireworks are shot in manual. ; Dark rides are shot in shutter to keep the speed high enough to fight off motion blur. ;
it really depends on what I'm doing. If I'm just walking around taking 'normal' photos I mostly use the Program auto. If I'm looking for more 'artsy' shots I'll use Aperture mode so I can control the DoF how I want it, and at night I only use Manual. ;