What happens when you get a 300/2.8 lens into the park...


Staff member
For Fantasmic!

And you talk the production manager into letting you use it.

Since I was a local, I rented the lens for the day and got one performance out of Fantasmic! with it.

Of course, this was before I was basically fully digital, so I know this is from 800 speed film...probably FujiPress or NHGII. I would have to find the negatives.

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/assets/images/db_images/db_fantasmic062000010a3.jpg" />
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looks JUST a little different that the one at MGM, eh?
nice shot, awesome glass. did you really have to schmooze?
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Nice catch, of the California fantasmic. Oh and I get my 300mm f4 into the Florida parks all the time, I know the 2.8 version is much bigger, but I've seen people at WDW with 500mm f4 lens before?
i've seen folks on the walking trails with the bigma (sigma 50-500) mounted on a monpod and nobody ever says a word to them. i guess its all in how obnoxious you want to be about it.

unfortunately, you see it all the time. someone who doesnt know what they are doing but has all the $$$ gear makes a commotion so people THINK he/she knows what they are doing. pesonally, I KNOW that i know what i am doing, so i just be as nondescript and subtle as possible and if i have to wait a minute to get my shot, i do so.

my only pet peeve is when someone walks directly into the path of my camera when i am setting up a tripod shot. ohhh.........a camera! let's walk right into the lens....
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i have the 500 f4 and i can't even imagine dragging it around one of the parks, especially since i only trust that bad boy on a gitzo 1325 with a full wimberley head, it is not a light lens by any means, and i baby it, i paid more for that lens than my first new car, i would take my 400/5.6, that's actually pretty light, no IS, which i think is the most requested upgrade canon currently hears about. isn't the bigma a fairly sturdy lens?
Ha, I could not believe my eyes while I was standing at Animal kingdom, snapping some photos with my 300mm f4 (feeling all cool) this guy stands next to me shotting with his 500mm f4 ::) LOL, I felt insignificant to say the least.
Just a little bit of schmoozing. ;-)

But definitely WHITE=PROFESSIONAL is known out there.

Fantasmic, yes, is...different. How many shows at a Disney park feature attractions you can walk on or ride before the show?
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the bad thing about white lens... people notice you :-\
the good thing about white lens... people notice you (and the lens tends to part the crowd like the Red Sea) ;D
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