A few more wildlife/birding shots with the Tamron 150-600mm lens - boy this thing is a beauty! Light enough to handhold, sharper by far than the Tamron 200-500, and at least from what I can see and tell, much better even than the newer Sigma Bigma...evolution is a good thing!
A bird at Disney - photographed in front of my building #3 at Saratoga Springs in September - a yellow-throated warbler:
A rabbit on the Saratoga Springs property:
A belted kingfisher in flight, at max 600mm:
A common yellowthroat in strong backlighting:
American bittern, showing off his camouflage ability:
Red-bellied woodpecker:
Ruby-throated hummingbird - actually found in the wild, without a feeder!:
Tricolor heron walking over the roots in the water:
Great blue heron flying low over the water, and coming straight on:
Young cattle egret in flight:
A bird at Disney - photographed in front of my building #3 at Saratoga Springs in September - a yellow-throated warbler:

A rabbit on the Saratoga Springs property:

A belted kingfisher in flight, at max 600mm:

A common yellowthroat in strong backlighting:

American bittern, showing off his camouflage ability:

Red-bellied woodpecker:

Ruby-throated hummingbird - actually found in the wild, without a feeder!:

Tricolor heron walking over the roots in the water:

Great blue heron flying low over the water, and coming straight on:

Young cattle egret in flight: