Western Maryland Scenic Railroad

Roger, I used 3 lenses for the most recent photos.

#1 - 80-400 VR
#2 - 70-200 VR
#3 - 28-70
#4 - 70-200 VR
#5 - 70-200 VR
#6 - 28-70
got any of 734 on the turntable at frostburg??, the one time i rode the western i had a video camera only with me and spent all my time trying to record the ride from the baggage car open door
and how about that newly painted diesel, one of the railfan mags i get had a full color spread about it and how much effort the volunteers put into it to match the period paint colors
nice work, must have been quite the chase, i want to try a tele sometime of that ridge, i believe it's off mt savage road, corriganville area, i remember seeing a white church in a small town from the train
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Thanks ColleenMarie!

Gary, I've got a couple of 734 on the turntable:

Taking a spin:


Waiting for the conductor's signal:


renewing their wedding vows:


I wish I would have been on the deck of the TrailHouse next door after the minister finished the ceremony. The engine crew opened up every valve that steam could come out of and filled the entire turntable area with steam.
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I'm not sure which ridge you're talking about though... I have never ridden the train, only chased it...

Which diesel? They just got #25 and restored her. #25 was originally a WMRR engine that was sold to another railroad and was recently acquired by the WMSR. I think someone bought and donated her, but I'm not sure. They also recently repainted one of the others recently as well (either # 501 or 502)
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#25 is the one i'm refering to, i just couldn't remember the number when i was posting, that ridge i remember from riding the train, had one of those absolutely beautiful clear early oct days, blue skies, and i was in the combine car, the baggage car with the open area for shooting from and i remember seeing this really neaat village down the hillside from us, i distinctly recall being above somewhat, so must have been some kind of ridge?
i was in cumberland at the alleghany fairgrounds speedway in oct 2001 for the first big kahuna late model weekend, 3 nights, 3 sanctions, 200+ cars
Here's a couple of #25
Sitting next to 734 after making her first trip to Frostburg this past August:


And here she is in the Yard in October:

Very nice!

One thing I really want to do is try my hand at some railfan photography. Since I live in Jacksonville (we are the home to two railroads - CSX and FEC) we have a couple of interesting yards near me (I know where they are - in a previous job, I had daily interaction with both CSX yard dispatch and the local switch crew), I don't even have a long drive...they are in some really rough parts of town...but I know where they are!

Interesting things I find on this web site...other railfans (any other N scalers out there??), Disney fans, and photography fiends...all at the same time. Maybe I'm not as strange as I thought I was....nah, I'm still strange!
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i would stay away from the jacksonville yards, they all have a bad neighborhood rep, and the rail bulls are decidedly unfriendly these days, even to the point in some places of trying to get you to believe that you don't have a right to take photos from public property, baldwin yard has a bad rep among railfans, but the good news is you are not too far from the folkston funnel, great shaded viewing platform with scanner in place, knowledgable friendly locals and about 65+ trains a day
check out www.rail.net, there are some good bridge shots in jacksonville and some good fec shots in st augustine area
Yesterday, the WMSR made its first run of the year to Frostburg, so I went up to try to get some pictures and to practice for the photo freight that I'm going to at the Cass Scenic Railroad next weekend. ; The rainy weather wasn't great for most of the places I like to shoot, but it was perfect for one... ; Brush Tunnel


On sunny days the sun is right over the tunnel opening making it impossible to get a good shot.
Here's three more from Sunday:

Assembling the passenger cars in the yard:


1/15s pan in the Narrows:


Approaching the Depot in Frostburg:

ironic to me, i just finished reading and saving the latest issue of railpace, great article on railfanning cumberland