Westcoaster got a pic of one of the new Radiator Springs Racing cars

So is that basically going to be Test Track with the Cars stuff? ; It looks pretty intriguing. ; Also another silly questions but when in 2012 is that supposed to be opening. ; That is going to be the basis for my trip out there that year.
Radiator Springs Racing was *supposed* to be Test Track 2.0 - fully outdoors, with the ability to pass other cars. ; Looking at the track it seems to have morphed into "Test Track outdoor run, only longer", with maybe some kind of off track "vehicle" racing against.

My guess is that they will do whatever they can to open it for the summer season; however, the original Test Track was years over schedule.....and WoC is showing how deadlines change.
"Roger" said:
My guess is that they will do whatever they can to open it for the summer season; however, the original Test Track was years over schedule.....and WoC is showing how deadlines change.

I personally would rather see a deadline slip in the name of maintaining quality than to just put something out there to make deadlines and keep PR happy. ; I've seen it too much in my time working at a large corporation that put out consumer computer products. ; In the end, that crap you put out just to meet a verbal promise from marketing people, comes back to bite you in the rear and it's the reason why DCA is getting the re-do in the first place. ; Unfortunately, it's sounding like someone didn't hear the old adage, "Those who forget the past are doomed to repeat it"