Welcome to the TMIP forums, tanner_ochel.


Staff member
Please welcome tanner_ochel to the TMIP Forum. Feel free to post whatever photos or ask whatever questions you want. The best way to learn and have fun is to participate.

Please reply to this message and tell us a little about yourself and have a great time on the TMIP 'boards.
Hey everyone! I'm a snap shotist turning photographer, and currently work part-time PhotoPass at Walt Disney World. PhotoPass is fun, but I've learned photography on my own. I bought a Canon Rebel XSi in August and I'm loving it. I met Tim on 12/14/08 while shooting at EPCOT and we chatted about photography and Disney, and he told me about this sweet site. I've been crazy busy over the holidays, so I've visited TMIP, but just now registered.

Here are a few photos I've taken:

Canon EF 50mm f/1.4 USM


50mm 5.0 sec at f/22, ISO 100
EPCOT (9/2/08)


50mm 10.0 sec at f/8.0, ISO 200
EPCOT (9/2/08)


50mm 5.0 sec at f/9.0, ISO 100
MK (9/2/08)

Canon EF-S 18-55mm f/3.5-5.6 IS (kit lens)


18mm 10.0 sec at f/16 ISO100
EPCOT (12/14/08)


18mm 14.0 sec at f/22 ISO100
Fantasy in the Sky (12/30/08)


18mm 9.0 sec at f/22 ISO100
Fantasy in the Sky (12/30/08)

I love Illuminations and Wishes, and Fantasy in the Sky was ridiculous. Disney is awesome! :) I'll be at the Animation building in Hollywood Studios tomorrow if anyone wants some AMAZING PhotoPass character photos! ;)
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welcome, tanner. it was a pleasure meeting you and you definitely have the skillz. can't wait to see more of your work. it was a pleasure speaking with you in epcot. as you can we, gary and i gave our own take on the monorail shot with lights of winter. keep the posts coming, my friend.

incidentally, my son and i will be in WDW once again 3/7 - 3/11 and he loves playhouse disney so we will seek you out.
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also, since you posted the exif data, you should really check out the exif framing thread (inside the post processing board)... it will pull your data and put it in a nice frame so you can share it.
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Welcome Tanner! Nice to have an 'insider' around here. My aunt's a cast member too, over at Hollywood Studios - she's still cranking in her 80's and loves the social interaction she gets as an employee there.

I'll be up there next week myself - 24th -28th. Where are you usually doing your photopass work, or do you move around to different locations? I'll keep an eye out for you and say hi if I happen to bump into you.

Great work on the shots - nice and vibrant - I love night shots and firework shots too...you've got some beauties.
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It was a pleasure meeting you and Gary as well, Tim! :) Yeah, I definitely need to organize and check things out more in depth here.

Awesome zackiedawg! Yeah, being a cast member is all about the social interaction. Magic Kingdom is my home, but I work at all the parks, so the variety is exciting. Thanks!
Wow! Those are some great fireworks shots! I especially like the last two. Welcome aboard Tanner
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Welcome to the boards! It will be great to have an insider who spends a lot of time at the parks to help us learn new spots. I love your photos--especially the red sky one.
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welcome aboard tanner, and thanks much for the tip about the winter arch photo location , as you can see both tim and i did that up