Welcome to the TMIP forums, MrToad.


Staff member
Please welcome MrToad to the TMIP Forum. Feel free to post whatever photos or ask whatever questions you want. The best way to learn and have fun is to participate.

Please reply to this message and tell us a little about yourself and have a great time on the TMIP 'boards.
Hi Everyone!

My name is Brad and I am from Central Illinois. I have been coming down to Disney once a year since the mid 70's (thanks Mom and Dad!) and have been fortunate to bring my family to Disney a few times a year the past five years or so. I work in IT and have always loved playing with gadgets...especially cameras. The past year the camera bug has bitten pretty hard. I upgraded from a Canon S3 to a 40D and am busy saving up for more glass (I have the kit 28-135, 50 1.4 and 100 Macro).

You can find pictures from our latest trip here... <a href="http://www.flickr.com/photos/trankina/sets/72157612710536707/">Flickr</a>
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Welcome Mr. Toad. You are correct, the bug has gotten you. Congrats!
Be sure to check the GEAR link on the main TMIP homepage so see what a swarm of camera bugs can do to someone (or three people for now)
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Thanks Tim and Roger! Don't let my wife see your list of gear! I am trying slowly explain to her how expensive photography can be. I saw you have a Gorillpod too Tim. I had great luck in the parks with mine last month....as long as you can keep the people around you from leaning on the fence too much! :)
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Thanks for the welcome everyone! I just wish I would have found this site sooner. I have already picked up a ton of tips!
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