Welcome to the TMIP forums, kurtisnelson.


Staff member
Please welcome kurtisnelson to the TMIP Forum. Feel free to post whatever photos or ask whatever questions you want. The best way to learn and have fun is to participate.

Please reply to this message and tell us a little about yourself and have a great time on the TMIP 'boards.
welcome aboard, kurt. the TMIP community is exploding and you are coming aboard at just the right time.
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"Tim" said:
welcome aboard, kurt. the TMIP community is exploding and you are coming aboard at just the right time.
I met you at MouseFest. (I asked about night shots, you gave me your handy dandy card thingy)
And then there is the elusive GrumpWurst who was in the room at the same time as me but ignored his twitter ;)
A monorail CM of mine wants me to help him take some shots from some restricted area on the new bay lake tower when it opens, so I will tell you guys the fun details when I get them.
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refresh my memory about mousefest... my brain was a total jumble the whole time...
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"Tim" said:
refresh my memory about mousefest... my brain was a total jumble the whole time...
Near the end I was complaining about how all my night pictures end up completely blurry. I think the issue is my camera gives me no aperture or shutter speed control, only ISO and exposure.
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well, even if you cannot set your shutter or aperture manually, the camera should still tell you what the settings will be. if you see the shutter speed getting dangerously low, be sure to stabilize the camera somehow.
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"kurtisnelson" said:
And then there is the elusive GrumpWurst who was in the room at the same time as me but ignored his twitter ;)

In my defense, I use TwitterFon in my iPhone so I only get my tweets when I turn it on. But, you DM'd me which does send an e-mail. But for some reason there is a huge delay in the emails being sent by Twitter and my getting them. So I didn't get your DM until after you send them. I decided to skip Ricky's meet at the Riverboat because I chose to ride the Haunted Mansion with Tim and Gary (and a couple of friends from Disneyworld Trivia).

But, I'm at Walt Disney World alot. There will be other times and you are a local ;)

Heck, I wouldn't be surprised if I'm not back before the end of the first quarter of 2009
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