Welcome to the TMIP forums, Gary222.


Staff member
Please welcome Gary222 to the TMIP Forum. Feel free to post whatever photos or ask whatever questions you want. The best way to learn and have fun is to participate.

Please reply to this message and tell us a little about yourself and have a great time on the TMIP 'boards.
Hello Everyone,

My name is Gary (obviously) and I am from West Michigan. I am a long time "photographer" and Disney fan. I have been "old school" most of my life purchasing my first SLR (Honeywell Spotmatic II) while in the USAF-Germany in 1970.

Took a photography class in college so I know some about the '101'. This summer I purchased my first DSLR and have been taking 'AUTO' pictures since.

When Mousefest came around I attended the TMIP meets and was inspired by Tim and Gary (the other one) to get going again and also learn the benefits and challenges of this new technology. Every time I spoke to Tim he reminded me to sign up for the boards and forum - so here I am.

Looking forward to catching up on some of the previous posts and sharing my thoughts.

Thanks for the Welcome,

Gary Ebels

You can find me at -
Twitter - http://twitter.com/Gary222
And keeper of - http://twitter.com/mousefest
And Facebook