I feel the need to flesh this story out a little.
Mr. Grumpy got that name not by the constant scowl he wore or his barking tone of voice. He got it because he nearly bit my head off when I asked him to take a picture with my camera in addition to the two photopass passes handed to him. I was told "I won't even hold a camera!" Fine. So he took the photos with photopass cards, and we got ready to leave when he decided that he all of a sudden could take pictures using all of our personal cameras. Great! What he neglected to tell us was that he didn't know how to use any camera made after 1965. ("How do you take a picture with this thing" Grumps demanded. "Um, try the big button.." "grumph") As a result each new picture took a full 2 minutes, which created a new back-up in the narrow, teeny-tiny pathway that is the rose garden during a mousefest event at fireworks time. I think the next lady in line was ready to throw a shoe at us (or perhaps at grumps). The kicker is that management decided that maybe a cast member should come in to relieve the guy, but grumpmaster would not let him near the photopass camera, actually physically swatting the guy away and bellowing "I'm doing it!!" leaving both the relief team and management absolutely bewildered and me in absolute hysterics.