Welcome to the TMIP forums, dan43.

Anytime, Tim and thanks. I'll be back though! I'm sure I'm going to have lots of questions about taking photos on my upcoming trip! I leave on October 6th! Plus, I LOOOVE your "Where Am I" games!! ::)
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Hi all, it's 4 days now until I leave for WDW. ;D

I can't wait!!! The suspense is killing me!!!
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Sure rub it in, I can't even say I will be going in x days because I don't even have a trip planned. Have a great time, and make sure to bring back lots of photos!
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A friend and co-worker of mine just lent me his Tristar monopod that he never uses. It's kind of cool. It's VERY light which will make it good for carrying, and it extends from about 18 inches folded down to about 6 feet stretched out. Plus it has a handy dandy foot rest so you can keep it steady when you're shooting. I was going to take my tripod with me, but that would have proven difficult for carrying around the parks in my knapsack, even though most of the time I'd probably be holding it. You know, I might take both!

Monopods are good for storage convenience, but you can still get a blurry picture if it moves from side to side. Tripods are better for taking timed photos because you can get some really good shots if it's got the support of all 3 legs.
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thanks again, dan. i really love the userbar.
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BTW, largest welcome topic EVER...
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Hi again all, I'm at Disney World currently and am staying at Coronado Springs, and taking lots and lots of pictures and recording live attraction and ambient audio. You can see my daily blog on my web site: http://www.dansmith.ca/disneytrip08

I don't have any audio there, nor do I have all of my 500-ish pictures up yet, but I will be putting those up when I get home after Thursday this week.

I'm off to Tallahassee tomorrow so won't be back until late tomorrow night. Will likely provide an update on Tuesday sometime. Reminder, you don't need to be a member to leave a comment on my blog.

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Hi all, I've just posted my WDW 2008 pics at http://www.dansmith.ca/disneygallery

Click on the WDW Photos from 2008 album and you can see what I posted, all 1,145 images. Full resolution on each is 1600 x 1200 but you can view them in any size.

There are a lot of pictures there I took because what I saw inspired me in some way. Check out the images from Carousel of Progress I took, sans flash!

I also posted my audio recordings - check 'em out: http://www.dansmith.ca/wdw08
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Fun shots, Dan! Love your Carousel of Progress shots. (That's one of my favorites... and I'm an animal lover, hence my avatar is Rover from CofP.) I noticed we have "cousin" cameras. Did you use one of the preset shooting modes or did you do this in manual mode? I saw that your aperture value changed with each picture.
Hey molander, yeah... I put the camera on the "P" setting and it did most of the work itself. However, after discovering that the P setting is not the best setting for all pictures, I quickly switched over to Auto mode which worked out better in the end. The P setting is only good I found for some night shots and shots where the environment is rather dark, thus letting more light into the picture, such as in the Carousel of Progress. I took all those shots without a flash... not bad, eh?

Thanks for the kind words and having a look at my galleries!
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