Please welcome ColleenMarie to the TMIP Forum. Feel free to post whatever photos or ask whatever questions you want. The best way to learn and have fun is to participate.
Please tell us a little about yourself and have a great time on the TMIP 'boards.
My name is Colleen and I am the Colleen that helps Fred Block put the Magicmeet staff together every year. Besides that, I have been a photographer for many years. Most of what I take is for personal use. I do portraits and weddings, band promo and head shots. My name is Mousmmaniac on Photobucket and MySpace if anyone would like to check out the thousands of photos I have online~
By no means is my stuff up to Tim's standards.
I like to say I have the eye but am still learning how to use it~
I had no idea you had a full forum! This is so cool! I joined as soon as I found it and am really looking forward to learning from the Master~ 8)
I was actually reminded of the beautiful work Tim does when I was shopping on the Laughing Place yesterday. I was *very* impressed to see his work being offered over there~
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