I agree there Roger...the shots themselves look better - the colors, tones, etc are fine, and the action is suitably frozen. But there are quite a few that seem front-focused. I thought about the water splashes catching the focus...but the one that I'd worry a little more about is pic #6 above - there isn't really anything near the center of the frame that looks like it could have caught the focus other than the boy - yet it does appear pretty clearly front-focused.
Cooleo - it might be worth shooting a focus test chart to check if you've got a lens or camera alignment issue. It could still be that some splash of water got in there and grabbed the focus away, but since you've got so many that seem a bit front-focused, I'd check it out. It's not an uncommon issue. Other than that - I like the way the shots are coming with the new settings.
Cooleo - it might be worth shooting a focus test chart to check if you've got a lens or camera alignment issue. It could still be that some splash of water got in there and grabbed the focus away, but since you've got so many that seem a bit front-focused, I'd check it out. It's not an uncommon issue. Other than that - I like the way the shots are coming with the new settings.
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