Water Photography

I agree there Roger...the shots themselves look better - the colors, tones, etc are fine, and the action is suitably frozen. But there are quite a few that seem front-focused. I thought about the water splashes catching the focus...but the one that I'd worry a little more about is pic #6 above - there isn't really anything near the center of the frame that looks like it could have caught the focus other than the boy - yet it does appear pretty clearly front-focused.

Cooleo - it might be worth shooting a focus test chart to check if you've got a lens or camera alignment issue. It could still be that some splash of water got in there and grabbed the focus away, but since you've got so many that seem a bit front-focused, I'd check it out. It's not an uncommon issue. Other than that - I like the way the shots are coming with the new settings.
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Thanks for the feedback. I am really starting to learn the camera more & more each week. I will have to do a focus test as you suggest as soon as possible. Will let you all know the outcome.
Even after all of the discussion, I have to say that I really like the feel of your swimming photography. Yes, there are some technical fine points that could be improved, but overall you framed your subjects well and composed the shots nicely.
Thanks Kiki! Tomorrow is another meet & another opportunity for me to improve my technique. This one will be a little different as it will be indoors @ the YMCA pool. Thats good because it will provide me a different challenge. I let you all know how it comes out.

P.S. - Just wanted to share with you guys about the new camera bag I got. It is a Lowepro Slingshot 200AW. Just got in yesterday & it is wonderful. Feature filled & very comfortable. Lots of room without being too bulky. Check it out here: Slingshot 200AW They also make a 100 & 300 series version of this bag.
Hey Gang! I'm back again with some new shots from the last couple meets. I have been tinkering with my settings & technique. All of these are straight out of the camera as they were shot. Let me know what you all think.













I think a couple are a little off center, but I have done no cropping or post processing on any of these pics. These are the raw images.
Thanks, Medic!!! That one is pretty cool. I suspect a couple of the others were looking at me as well, but they have mirrored goggles & you can't see their eyes. ;D It's funny, but at the beginning of the season, they really didn't pay much attention to me being there. But as time has gone on, they look to see if I have the camera on them. I've created a bunch of stars. 8)
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Very very nice work - you are seriously improving very quickly! The action is nicely frozen, the focuses seem spot on, the colors are great, and you've captured great 'moments' with the expressions and body poses.
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Thanks to everyone for your compliments & your advice. It is in part due to all of your advice that I have been able to progress as I have. There will be no stopping there of course, I intend to just continue soaking it all in & improving each time out. 8)
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