Well, at least they gave a few days warning... ; Viva! which has been running at SWSA for 9 years, will be closing forever[nb]Almost said glowing away forever....[/nb] after this weekend. ; The stadium is being torn down to build a new one, so at least knowing that something will return is nice[nb]I'm looking at you WDW. ; What replaced the Skyway?[/nb]. ; But it was a great show.
http://www.seaworldsanantonioblog.com/2 ... ward-viva/
I'm going to try and go to the last show, but I can't guarantee anything... ; :'(
http://www.seaworldsanantonioblog.com/2 ... ward-viva/
I'm going to try and go to the last show, but I can't guarantee anything... ; :'(