the white dog is mine. Adopted her 5 yrs ago from a shelter.
The other is a shitzu that belongs to my ex gal. I made the photo from 2 pics. I took a pic of him with the stuffed bone in his mouth and then a pic of his toy box and then cut out his head with the bone and pasted it into the toy box pic. That was about 7 yrs ago when I first got into digital photography and used a kodak dc280 2.1 megapixel and used adobe photodelux to edit it. He was one cool dog
my little girl died on June 5 of kidney failure. Broke my heart
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my oldest son has 2 golden retrievers. a male named Emmit and a female named Lola. Here is Lola. What great dogs. I like labs also but man the energy level of labs is unreal. go go go
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