Ultra Wide Angle SSE

Not sure how I feel about this shot (I have one without the trash can and sign on the right...but I sort of like them included for some reason...yet I think they make it too busy...)

Click it for Flickr!
"mSummers" said:
Interesting angle, Tom. ; The trash can and sign don't bother me much at all. ;

Thanks. ; After much thinking, I ultimately determined that I didn't like this shot with the trash can and sign in view. ; It seems like they are just crammed in, for no real compositional reason. ; I like to be more deliberate than that, usually. ; Although it was fairly popular on Flickr, you never can tell whether people genuinely like an image, or if they're just being nice. ; I will have to post the non-trash can & sign version at some point (I should've just edited them together...).

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page, where you can view/download a large copy, view my camera settings/EXIF data, and navigate to many other WDW shots!
^That's a Golden Hour shot, so the sky is "natural" (or natural as the camera sees it) with slightly increased vibrance. ; I went warm with the white balance, which enhanced the colors on SSE. ; Increased the fill light, blacks, contrast, and clarity while decreasing the exposure in ACR. ; Opened in Photoshop and used an adjustment layer to further increase the contrast on SSE. ; Duplicated layer and used Noise Ninja, masking that out on SSE. ; Sharpened using a +1.3 LAB/Feather/USM Action. ; Added a watermark. ; All told, processing took about 10 minutes start to finish. ; If my computer were faster, it likely would've taken 7.
^Where are you getting hung up? ; ACR stands for Adobe Camera Raw, SSE stands for Spaceship Earth. ; The other thing I could see being confusing is the sharpening stuff...I would just ignore that (mostly because I just have all that as pre-programmed Photoshop Actions and I don't remember how to re-explain the steps I used...maybe google the terms I used? ; I've tried all sorts of sharpening for architecture (high pass, unsharp mask, and the LAB/feather/USM is BY FAR the best method I've encountered). ; Let me know if anything else needs clarification.
Another UWA SSE Shot:

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page, where you can view/download a larger copy, access my EXIF data/camera settings, or navigate to my other WDW shots!

Have a great Easter Weekend, everyone!