Uh oh..."Flickr worthy"?


:-\ ; Okay, I am trying to learn my way around Flickr and I just read a post that made reference to photos that are "flickr worthy."

Please do tell what makes a photo that before I make a doofus of myself. :D ; Should I just make them all private until I become a "flickr worthy" photographer? ; 8)
I dump everything I take into my Flickr Account. ; I use it as an online repository of my photos. ; I could care less if anyone likes them or not. ; Some people only put their best work up there
; I use it as an online repository of my photos. ; I could care less if anyone likes them or not. ;


For a while I tried Flickr, but I found that (back then at least) the upload options were too bulky to manage. ; So I put them on my own site. ; Yes, Flickr provides people with the ability to "comment" on others' photos....but so does Facebook.
Having occasionally looked through Flickr, and seen everything from works of art to camera phone snapshots of blurry feet in the dark taken accidentally...I find it hard to believe there is any 'standard' to worry about!
I think the term is relative to the photographer's personal abilities and also only relevant depending on their flickr style (irrelevant if they store photos). ; For those who use it almost as a "photo blog" with 1-3 (or so) pictures per day, they typically want to showcase their better work. ; If you're just using Flickr as a photo hosting site, you don't care about the "photo blogging" side, so it shouldn't matter. ; Thus it being a relative term for some, and a meaningless term for others.
I'm with Ray and Roger. I can upload, for free, to Flickr from my phone, so I use it for all those quick photos I take with my berry for POTD type threads and reporting items.
Like others have said, it really depends on what you use the site for. ; I think "Flickr Worthy" is more for the community people..... like to show their better work, and like to receive feedback and other comments. ; And it's kind of like creating an online portfolio, in a way. ; You're not gonna show EVERYTHING, just whatever makes the cut. ; :)
i post to flickr once in awhile but i will also second the opinion of not worrying what people think before i post to flickr. ; you have to remember that any online community can have it's moments and you need to be thick skinned before doing anything due to the relative anonymity of the internet. ; the nice thing about here is most of us have met each other on occasion so you don't get as much trolling as you would other places.
I don't know, I have a hard time with Flickr. ; I think it's the navigation. ; Maybe I'm missing the obvious, but when I click on someone's Flickr account, it seems like I can never easily maneuver from one shot to the next. ;

I also don't get how to see the shots in larger form without having to go "back" each time. ; It just seems somewhat cumbersome in it's layout.

Admittedly, I haven't taken a ton of time to learn the in's and out's of the site, but in my mind, it I have to do that, it's not a very useful site, and there are many others that seem easier.

Just my 2 cents worth,

I agree with you there Boris. ; I tried Flickr, but it just isn't for me. ; I didn't like the style and layout, the display style and multiple clicks and backs to show larger versions, the general navigation. ; I don't know how they do from the service side, or the upload and maintenance side, but from the interface side, I don't really like it much.