Two Sunsets From Molokai


From my Hawaiian vacation last month. We spent a few days on the island of Molokai. It was a bit of a shock after Oahu - there are very few tourists or tourist facilities on the whole island. Nice if you want solitude, but bad if you want something to eat on a Sunday night!

10 second exposure with a neutral density filter...

7 second exposure (the bright dot is Venus)...
After spending a few days on Oahu, it still is in my mind to go back but to visit the other islands. Very beautiful there. Especially after you get away from Honolulu. Even the Dole plantation, while being touristy, shows a glimpse of Hawaii's true beauty.

Which is making me hungry for Dole Whip.

Man, I didn't get Dole Whip at DL and I also didn't get my Mint Julep(s) either. :(
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Hey...I've seen these before. ;)

(I just commented on these at that *other* photo site before coming over here!).

And they're still great, btw.
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