Turtle Talk with Crush (and no I didn't break the rules)


Staff member
That's because for some reason, the CMs at DCA have switched from no-photography to no-flash photography.

Guess they think that most people can't get good images there with out a flash, and I'll bet that most flashes will reflect off the screen.

<img src="http://www.themeparkphotos.us/assets/images/db_images/db_IMG_0532a2.jpg" />

Using my S1 IS that day. 1/20 sec, f/2.8
any ideas how this technology works, we were never able to spot how the voice was getting the information, but crush was responding and interacting right on the mark to people and questions, loved how he described the people picked to pose a question
Not sure exactly, but they have a camera and the voice actor is backstage somewhere.

A friend of mine and I, a few years back, did the first generation of this show - Call Stitch.

Stitch was in Hawaii, and we picked up a phone and he interacted with us. Animation was basic though compared to Crush.
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