Thought I'd share some of my first weekend shots with the new big lens, the Tamron 150-600mm - previously I had only snapped a few shots in the backyard to make sure the lens was aligned and focus was accurate. This time, I got two days to check out my local two wetlands spots with the new lens and see how it does. My first observations - SHARP! Even 600mm wide open is very crisp and sharp with nice detail - daresay better than the Tamron 200-500mm was at 500mm F6.3. Stop down at all and it's very crisp and croppable throughout the focal range. I'm very pleased with this lens. And even better, it's 600mm and hand-holdable...perfect!
A yellow-crowned night heron:
Tricolor heron, shaking off on the rail:
Ovenbird hiding in the shade:
Red-shouldered hawk on a stump, very far away (this is 600mm and mega-cropped):
Osprey flying over...not sure what he was looking at up above:
Green heron sitting pretty:
Red-bellied woodpecker deep in the shady forest:
Yellow-throated warbler - migration is starting to kick in well down here:
A hidden green heron hunting in the reeds - just a tiny slot for me to shoot through, but loved his feather colors:
A yellow-crowned night heron:

Tricolor heron, shaking off on the rail:

Ovenbird hiding in the shade:

Red-shouldered hawk on a stump, very far away (this is 600mm and mega-cropped):

Osprey flying over...not sure what he was looking at up above:

Green heron sitting pretty:

Red-bellied woodpecker deep in the shady forest:

Yellow-throated warbler - migration is starting to kick in well down here:

A hidden green heron hunting in the reeds - just a tiny slot for me to shoot through, but loved his feather colors: