Toontown Pics up


Staff member
I uploaded most of my Velvia shots of Toontown early one morning a few years back at my site. Here's some of my favorites:

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<img src="" /> if you don't want to see everything else at the site.
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Very nice, Rich. Looks like the DL Toontown has a bit of a different "feel" to it than the WDW one. The DL is more of a town, and the WDW is more of a neighborhood.
you are exactly right. i really liked the DL toontown, it's MUCH bigger than the WDW one. plus the roger rabbit ride really rocks (a little aliteration, anyone?)
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Off topic: how many days would my family need to leisurely enjoy DCA? Will 3 days be enough (and add another 2 days for Universal Studios -- or are 2 days too much for Universal?)
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DCA? 1/2 day.

let's get our acronyms on the same page:

DLR: Disneyland Resort, the new "official" name for the entire three, er two gate theme parks,hotels, and Guiness Book of World Record Parking Garage(c) located in Anaheim CA.

DCA: Disney's California Adventure, a full admission park located in the original parking lot of Disneyland Park.

Three days at DLR for both parks is probably more than enough, depending on the time of year you want to go. One day may be enough for Universal, depending on if you want to see EVERYTHING or not. I think Universal has a pass that includes unlimited anytime Fastpass equivalents.

Now, Disneyland is going to get interesting in the Spring with Finding Nemo: Return of the Submarines opens, along with the soft opening of: Pirate Corner at the Island Sam Clemens Built when he wasn't busy starring in a show at Epcot, starring Jack Sparrow, Will Turner and Elizabeth Swann.

And if the rumors are true, in a few years, DCA may actually shutter as a full theme park and become an ungated extra park for Disneyland guests - people with Disneyland tix can ride the rides for free, others can pay per ride.
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