Time to change your clock

We're now a week into the new year. Have you changed your copyright message from 2016 to 2017 yet? I'm changing mine right now.
And once again it's time for the annual time madness. Time to get up an hour earlier because we just had to change our clocks last fall. Let's protest in November and leave the clocks alone!
DId you all write your government representatives and demand an end to this time-changing foolishness? Me neither. Anyway, change whatever clocks and batteries that need changing on Saturday night. Set your clocks back an hour so you get to see one hour twice, but it will get dark an hour earlier as a result. For Nikon users, just find the DST setting and turn it off.
Where did the time go? Now we have to get up an hour earlier on Monday morning.

Change whatever clocks and batteries that need changing on Saturday night. Set your clocks forward one hour (so that 2 am magically becomes 3 am), then enjoy the evening sunlight.

For Nikon users, find the date/time settings menu and turn the DST setting on.That will take care of moving the clock ahead for you. While you're in there, synchronize your clock to the Official U.S. Time.
Once again, it's the semi-annual nightmare of clock changing and disruption of sleeping habits. We were all just getting back to normal after Pixelmania and then this happens.

You know the drill.
CHANGE THOSE SMOKE ALARM BATTERIES, did all 6 this morning, as i type this unwinding after a psychiatric emergency call, no doubt that lady was crazy
After you get done changing your batteries, be sure the change the clock in your camera. Nikon users, simply turn on DST - that changes the clock for you.
My least favorite day of the year is coming up. Sure, we get to sleep an extra hour, but it starts getting dark ridiculously early. Why can't we leave the clocks the way they are now?

Anyway, if you still have a camera with a manually set clock, be sure to do whatever's necessary to manually set the clock one hour earlier on Sunday. And @gary wants you to change the batteries in your smoke/fire/carbon monoxide/radon and misbehaving child detectors.
I have to work Sunday night into Monday morning. 13 hour shift, paid for 12. Never seem to get it the other way around.
Time for the late-winter bump.

I hope you changed whatever clocks and cameras that needed changing on Saturday night. If you're an old-timer like me and still have clocks that have to be manually set, turn them forward one hour (so that 2 am magically becomes 3 am), then enjoy the evening sunlight until the November foolishness forces us to go back into the dark..

For Nikon users, find the date/time settings menu and turn the DST setting on.That will take care of moving the clock ahead for you. While you're in there, synchronize your clock to the Official U.S. Time.

And as a salute to our resident first-responders, change smoke and carbon monoxide detector batteries The life you save may be your own.
We get the gift of an extra hour of sleep on All Saints Day this year. (That's November 1 for those who didn't just do a web search.) That means set the clock back an hour in your cameras and any other things that have manually-set clocks and welcome the mid-afternoon sunset. And to make sure that you survive until the next Pixelmania (whatever year it will be), change the batteries in your various detectors: smoke, fire, water, earth, carbon monoxide, radon, zombie, etc. And make sure your snow tires are in good shape - the way this year is going, a series of blizzards must be next.
Guess who forgot to change the clock in his cameras? The same guy who normally reminds everyone else to. If you're like me and forgot, be sure to go back and change the EXIF time in all of the photos you've taken since March 14.