Tim and Ray's Excellent Adventure...aka The Mousefest Trip Report


Staff member
Well, Tim doesn't normally do trip reports on his forum. He reports back to us through the use of photographs. But since there was only a 4 hour window during MouseFest where Tim and I weren't together (not counting sleep time), I thought I'd post a link to my trip report and you could see what the 2 of us were up to during MouseFest.

I only have Day 1 up now and I hope to get another one up each day.

MouseFest Trip Reports
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WOW! What a fun filled first day. Thanks for the post. I almost felt like I was there with you. Can't wait to read about the rest of the trip.
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I'm uploading Day 2's pictures to flickr so I can insert them into the Day 2 post I wrote while we were at MouseFest.
Very nice post Ray.

I too would prefer to wear contacts, esp after I lost my magnetic clipons on the TTA ramp last Feb!

Now hopefully I'll get shots in a few weeks that are in focus! And if I don't.....
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ray definitely has the gift for writing trip reports. i must defer to him for this one...
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Day 2 has been posted. You can follow the link in the first post to get you there
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