tim and group shots


i'll lead this off with a funny situation from mcvmcp, late evening, tmiper's doing their thing, tim sets up in the middle of main street, out jumps this guy, grabs one over tim's shoulder, and runs away, like he's afraid tim will look behind him and yell at him for poaching the shot, this happens a couple of times, the guy keeps running back onto the sidewalk, stalking our leader, i could not resist taking this, he didn't even stay close enough long enough to try to recruit him

[attachments posted prior to 4/27/2010 have been deleted by admin. be sure to link images to make sure they don't get removed]
Better watch out Tim - he could be working on stealing all your shots and taking credit for them. ; If you try to fight him with EXIF data, he can show that he took the shot from the same location and the same time as your EXIF! ; Wow...copyright infringers are getting smart!