On Saturday, 12/4/2010 at 9:30am sharp, yours truly and the loyal gang of Pixelmaniacs will meet at the Director Statue at end of Hollywood Boulevard. ; The opening remarks portion will be used as a forum for talking about Walt as an amateur photogrpaher. ; The group will then move to the seating area of Min and Bill's Dockside Diner (the ship-shaped restaurant at Echo Lake) for a more comfortable area to talk about the importance of theme park photography, why it is important to Disney History, and how the original Imagineers wanted people to see the park. ; We will use this opportunity to reinforce what theme park photographers are already doing well and suggest some other perspectives.
We will then take a circular counter-clockwise tour of the Echo Lake area pointing out six distinct areas that photographers miss and why, explaining the story and the importance behind them while referencing other photography locations as well from these examples. Following this tour, we will finally end up back at Min and Bill's to use as a "what do you see differently now about this location?" exercise. ; There will be a Questions/Answers segment, although questions along the tour are most certainly welcome as well.
We will then take a circular counter-clockwise tour of the Echo Lake area pointing out six distinct areas that photographers miss and why, explaining the story and the importance behind them while referencing other photography locations as well from these examples. Following this tour, we will finally end up back at Min and Bill's to use as a "what do you see differently now about this location?" exercise. ; There will be a Questions/Answers segment, although questions along the tour are most certainly welcome as well.
For the rest of the announcement, you will have to FOLLOW THIS LINK