the only reason I like cold weather

Howie these are really nice, ESP the bufflehead. We have those but I would need a boat and the are usually out on open waters not in glass like surfaces. And the red tail behind my house is very erratic on wether he flies the farm or takes off to hunt the hood, so it's hard to get a feel for when to setup on him
That first one is just spectacular. I see these guys at my bird feeders eating the customers so I know how hard they are to capture. They are there and gone in an instant! Very nicely captured!


red tailed hawk by LW_NJ, on Flickr

bittern-on-the-hunt by LW_NJ, on Flickr

american-bittern crossing Great Creek Rd by LW_NJ, on Flickr

GBH-on-snowy-day by LW_NJ, on Flickr
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Super sharp shots. ; It's nice to have that bright blue cloudless sky as a background for the flight shots. ; Beautiful light.

Question on your Bird in Flight photos. ; How are you setting up the D7100 for focusing? ; I am having a lot of trouble with the D7100 ; back-focusing in my hockey action shots. ; Instead of focusing on the players, the D7100 latches on to the ads on the boards behind them. I miss a lot of action photos because of this.

I shoot in AF-C and this happens in Single Point, 9, 21 and 51 point selections. This is with the Nikon 70-200VR lens, too. ; I do not have this problem with the D700 using the same lens.


Scott I use AF-C single point but if I have a clear backround I will switch to 9 point dynamic area. I also use the ae/af button on the back for focusing instead of the shutter button now
I wish I knew the answer
It does it in single point also? Weird. Have you looked in viewNX2 to see where the focus point was actually locked? I'm wondering if the focus tracking time adjustment behavior is different between the d700 and d7100. I've found on the D4 if I'm shooting high speed bursts, which is almost always, I sometimes get better results setting the release behavior to "focus+release" instead of "release+focus". With the latter more of the later shots in the burst are out of focus, which if I understand how it's supposed to work, is the opposite of what I'm seeing.

Scott, I've had the same problem on other Nikons, and someone on the forums suggested cleaning the contacts on the camera and lenses. ; It's worth a try.
Thanks, guys! ; Dennis, I will clean those contacts this week.

I found this link very helpful: Nikon D300 Auto-focus for Sports

The D7100 shares the same AF engine as the D300/D700. ; The D700 does not have the same issues due to its faster processor and engineering. ; I am hopeful some of these settings will help. ; Will find out on Friday at the next Crunch game.

Erich, I am thinking very seriously about a D4. ; With the D4s announcement, I will be keeping an eye out for used D4's coming on the market which might fit my budget.
Howie, can't say enough good things about your birds. Some day we really have o do a Birdmania get-together.

Scott, great link, thanks. Go look at the NikonUSA support downloads section. I can't remember at the moment what they're called, but they have a few Technical Guides and Settings Guides that give great tips for all sorts of situations. PM incoming from me also.

Howie, I have been seeing a Snowy Owl on my way home from work the past week. ; She is always in the same place. ; However, that place is a busy intersection near a mall. ; Good tundra-like habitat there but not a safe place for a photographer. ; Hope she does not get hit.

Thanks, to the Nikon USA site now.