Texting while driving

I know you are not supposed to text while driving, but what about photography while driving? ; This was at the first Pixelmania where we were supposed to practice panning(as you can see from these pics I need lots of practice). ; I am sad to say, my panning skills have not improved since then. ; I am happy to say I do not text or take pics while driving.


  • texting2.jpg
    94.3 KB · Views: 91
  • texting1.jpg
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Hmmm...that certainly looks like a tempting target for the 'ol Grand Prix bump. ; I think the course monitors would even give you a pass on that, just from the humor of seeing the camera go flying. ; ;)
Well, at least he isnt the one driving the vehicle... ; Of course, it looks like the kid that is driving cant see over the steering wheel. ; Just hope he does not do this in real life! ;