Terra Cotta Warriors @ China Pavillion

I think I mentioned that I spent some time with these guys but I never posted the pictures. If I did - Im pretty proud of these and theyre worth a second look! ;)



(I think I went after this one because I was SURE it was female...guess not)




(I call this one "No two are exactly alike")


(You've heard of "The Screamer?" This is my version!)




Cooleo, its worth it but make sure you go by yourself or with someone who is patient lets you take your time! Oh and be prepared to fix your white balance!
you've got some great shots there!
Great depth of field work, nice clean backgrounds!
Katie, the lighting is very warm to say the least. ; Add the yellow and red on the walls and you get a very yellow cast. ; However, that is how I saw it so that is how I processed my photos of them. I do like yours as well. ; All in how one wishes to interpret it.

Thanks for the tip Katie. You are right about that, the key is always to alone or with someone who will be patient.
Scott, I did start off with AWB but was not happy with the results as I was going for something more neutral ; and was focusing on details so I whipped out my trusty ExpoCap and got what you see before your very eyes!
They're wee little guys - about knee height. ; But they are quite faithfully reproduced and have excellent detail. ; You'll look a little loony getting down on your knees for the shots, and would definitely drive family and friends nuts...so I agree with the solo advice!