Syracuse Crunch Playoff Game

Ditto on the Rangers...but I'll be rooting for Phoenix instead of Chicago. ; Nothing against Chicago, but they've got their cup already, so I'll root for the team that doesn't in that one.
Being a Yankee fan makes we want to win every year, I mean, it their right, eh? ; 8)

With that, the Devils will never have enough Cups.

I too hope for 7 game series, epecially NJ v. Fla. but not in the case of the Rangers, they can lose tonight and I don't care. ;

The point about the goaltending is totally right. ; Even in the NJ/Fla series, Marty has been pedestrian at best, some of the goals have been very soft. ; I would give the edge to Fla in that.

If a few pucks bounce the right way, all four top seeds in the East could be playing golf soon.
"Scottwdw" said:
That is not the policy hanging in the War Memorial, if the Crunch make it through this playoff round, I'll get a photo of it for you. ; I think that is more the policy of the Civic Center which is next door where the stages are for musical productions and operas. ; All part of the OnCenter "complex".

I'll take your word for it, Scott. ; I'm just constantly annoyed by stupid "no professional camera" policies. ; Does driving a high performance car make me a professional race driver? ; Not any more than having a high-end camera makes me a professional photographer.

But that's probably a topic for a completely different forum.
Unfortunately though, like it or not, if a red Corvette and a white Camry are both doing 85 in a 55 zone on the same stretch of road, the red Corvette is going to get the ticket 9 times out of 10. ; Same goes for the big pro-looking cameras - it may not be right, or fair, but it is the ways of the World, and if you're going to be carting around the pro camera and driving the red Corvette, you just have to be prepared to accept the bias!

And as an aside, Yay Phoenix! ; Moving on, Chicago out. ; Next up: Go Panthers!
That's why I will someday get one of these small cameras like the Canon S95 (or whatever the latest model number is) or maybe Gary's system. ; Little is better for concerts.

I got one more Game 7 out of it. ; Bruins (my Mom's team) tonight and Rangers (my Dad's team) tomorrow night. ; Should be some great hockey as both series have featured close and exciting games.
Sadly, Indianapolis has been without professional hockey for many years. ; I've said it before, but it's a shame that the city where Wayne Gretzky turned pro (with the 1978 WHA Indy Racers) is stuck with nothing better than junior hockey.

To relieve the itch to see real hockey, I made the three-hour drive to Columbus, Ohio to see a late-season Columbus Blue Jackets game against the Florida Panthers. ; I was lucky enough to get a third-row seat behind the net for less than $100. ; In another stroke of luck, the glass just to my right cracked during warmups, so I had a nice clear view with my little P&S.

It was fun to see some real hockey for a change.

What's missing from this picture? ; The goal judge. ; They apparently sit in the press box now.

Jose can you see?

Face off!
I've been to a Blue Jackets game during their second season. ; The company I worked for at the time had their headquarters there and a co-worker had great season tickets. ; The arena was very impressive.

All NHL rinks have cameras high above each net and every goal is reviewed in Toronto. They can sell more tickets which makes the teams happy. ; The AHL still have goal judges, at least, in Syracuse.

Nice shots. ; Lighting for NHL games are a dream compared to what I normally get at high school rinks or the War Memorial.
I don't even know exactly when it happened - I remember going to games and seeing the goal judges, then all the sudden, he wasn't there and it was just seats. ; Understandable, what with the half-dozen cameras in every angle there to review...but still a little tradition gone!

And, boo Panthers. ; Brought NJ to OT, but couldn't close the door. ; So another game 7 now.