I use the 51 point AF in Continuous mode (AF-C) on the D7100 while I only use 9 point Dynamic AF on the D700. ; The D7100 does get confused if there is nothing in the center of the frame while the D700 will not. ;
I use the D7100 for two reasons over the D700: The DX crop gets me closer to the action and I can use an Eye-Fi card with it. ; If there was an Eye-Fi or some kind of affordable Wi-Fi solution for the D700, I would be using it instead. Nikon's W-Fi attachment is expensive.
For Sports, the D700 with battery grip is the better camera but the Crunch and fans love getting photos of the game. ; Still hoping for a D400 with faster fps but rumors are rumors so I will stick with the D7100 for sports where I need it and wildlife.
I use the D7100 for two reasons over the D700: The DX crop gets me closer to the action and I can use an Eye-Fi card with it. ; If there was an Eye-Fi or some kind of affordable Wi-Fi solution for the D700, I would be using it instead. Nikon's W-Fi attachment is expensive.
For Sports, the D700 with battery grip is the better camera but the Crunch and fans love getting photos of the game. ; Still hoping for a D400 with faster fps but rumors are rumors so I will stick with the D7100 for sports where I need it and wildlife.