Something new at POTC


Staff member
Today's Disney Parks blog mentioned that they are adding something "new" to POTC over the new few weeks, and it's related to On Stranger Tides.

Obvious guesses would be Angelica or mermaids....didn't they already swap out Davey Jones for Blackbeard?

Yes, the Davy Jones projection was switched to Blackbeard at about the time the movie came out. ; Interestingly, however, is the projection jumps between Davy Jones and Blackbeard in Disneyland. ; It's a cool effect; wish WDW cycled between the two.
On a side note, I'm glad Disney seems to be embracing disclosure over the previous regime's desire for secrecy. ; I remember the times where TDA (mostly) would be moving towards an idea, someone would leak it to online people, and the entitled AP holders would complain before it even happened, usually resulting in a change.

Guess another one would be the Skyway. ; When they closed the Skyway at MK, the official press release mentioned it was being closed to make room for new and exciting attractions.


I'd love to ride the replacement!!!

Things like shutting down Fantasmic several nights a week in the summer was one of those ideas...guest relations didn't even know what to say because they hadn't been told! ; Then there was the whole "Atlantis Expedition" fiasco with the then-dormant sub lagoon where WDI was moving forward but TDA didn't want to even though Burbank was pushing it forward....TDA won on that one.

Or how MSEP "glowed out forever!!!!11!"

/see how long that lasted

Still miss the TRON speed tunnel; Rocket Rods was okay but wasn't worth the length of the line
Rumor on the blog comments is Mermaids. ; Someone else said that it looked like PotC was closed for refurbishment for a day in October.

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I've seen multiple reports of the new item being mermaids. ; I wonder where they'll put them though... ; I'm not sure where they could be placed between the pirate ship and the end and make them fit in and I hope they don't remove the Marc Davis classic dead pirate scenes in the front end of the ride...

I guess we'll have to wait and see
I think I heard Jim Hill mention that they (mermaids) could be in the cave (before the dead pirates) on a podcast.