Some more of the wildlife selections from this year - running from 1/14/2023 to 1/16/2023. With some lovely cold days here and there, marvelous winter light, and the sunset BIF bonanza picking up, this is the prime time for shooting birds and wildlife down here! The low humidity and low rain chance along with cooler weather means super-clear air and super-sharp details.
Great blue heron coming in to land:
Ibises practicing their synchronized flying:
Red-shouldered hawk doing his usual sunset flyover:
Even with no light, the details can pop - this tricolored heron was resting under the trees while the sun had already gone below the treeline, so I needed ISO 6,400 for this one - but the details are still there:
A very cold day - the second time this winter where our high was in the low 50s - meant it was a good day to pop up to Peaceful Waters again to see what kind of wintering duck activity was there. Starting with the lovely American wigeon:
The roseate spoonbill is getting his nice breeding colors going, and stood out nicely against the blue-sky-reflected waters:
I see tons of blue-winged teals, but wish I could see the green-winged teal more often - the male especially is a beauty:
This guy stayed far away, so it's a huge crop - but being only the 3rd time I've gotten to see ring-necked ducks, and unlike last month, finally getting to see the more ornate male, I had to take the shot:
Once again, the cool air had the river otters out playing and romping around. This one was out on the levee rolling around in the grass until I walked up - then it was like a stand-off:
The otter decided, I think playfully, that it didn't want anyone to pass it on the levee - so when I tried to go to the right to pass, the otter would waddle over to the right and lay down in my path. If I tried going left - it'd waddle over and plop in front of me again. Eventually someone else came the other direction on the levee - and tried to get by - and the otter blocked as usual. The face seems to be saying 'You Shall NOT Pass!' like Galdalf:
Eventually the pressure of two people closing in from either side meant Gandalf had to give up the game and waddled into the water.