So who is going to Mousefest 2007?

Less then 12 hours 'till my flight. Whoohooo!!!

Arriving tomorrow afternoon, staying at Old Key West, leaving next Thursday.

I'm hoping to make one of Tim's photo meets, but may have some schedule issues. Either way, I look forward to meeting folks.

I'll be the "solo" female, brown hair, camera backpack.
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We are leaving for our Flight in 30 min! Should be at Disney at 7:30 tonight. We will be the Goofy looking Canadian couple
gary & karen, leaving for the airport in about 20 minutes, we should be at boardwalk villas by 1930, tim, hit me on the cell when you get in

we'll see many tommorrow night, lot's more for sure at ak on the group safari meet
I'm off to pack then getting to bed. Sleep in a bit tomorrow, and hitting the road around noon. Drive's about 3 hours, give or take for traffic - and then the checkin process - so I'll be trying to get all set up and organized for the Thursday meet at MK...but if I can't get there in time, I'll see everyone on Friday.
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sitting on the plane right now, waiting to take off. WHERE'S THE COFFEE???!!!
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Since I drive,
I will have my sensor swabs, pec pads, and eclipse solution. If anyone has a need while there pm me or email me and we can try to meet up somewhere.
The sensoe swabs are sized for the nikon 1.6 sensor.