So that's what that little button does! lol


I'm beginning to understand spot metering and I played around with it some today. ; But really...I just wanna show you the appetizer in our house tonight. :) ; I am a regular reader of and she called these "Oh, Baby Mushrooms". :-* ; She wasn't kidding. ; Serious yum! ; Today was food and flowers. ; I wonder what tomorrow will be....

"hulagirl" said:
I wonder what tomorrow will be....

I don't know what hers would be but I'm sure your boys would love Marlboro Man's Favorite Sandwich. ; ; Making me hungry just thinking about it!
:D ; Roger, you rock! ; Did you already know about Pioneer Woman and Marlboro Man or did you just read about them? ; I have not yet made that amazing looking sandwich, but at some point, you can bet I will.

Now I'm hungry!
Michele discovered her before her book came out, and the whole family went to her book signing when it came to town. ; At our stop, Marlboro Man and all of her punks came with her.

I made the italian drip beef for the Major Football Game played on the first Sunday in February ; :D as well as a modified queso recipe (the spicy sausage just wasn't doing it for me).

But I do love the Marlboro Man's favorite sandwich ; :D