Sleeping Beauty Castle - HDR

I'm not a fan, but to be honest, I'm not a fan of this particular style of HDR (I do like HDR, just not this type), so my opinion is a bit loaded.

Beyond the general style, my critique of the photo in general, without regard for the specific style:

1) I'd clone out the Tinkerbell/Dumbo fireworks wires. They're distracting.
2) The white balance skews too cool; the Castle looks cold and foreboding.
3) The middle turret is too dark, which is a result of the HDR style processing used. It has been lumped in with the rest of the sky and considered a "light" area of the photo.
While the photo is cool. ; It looks like that was the color temperature for the time of day the set of photos was taken. ; I do agree with the center turret being "off" and needing an adjustment to match the rest of the castle. ;

Keeping or removing the cables is a matter of personal taste. ; Figured you would remove them once you were satisfied with the rest of the image.

A little tighter crop to remove the trees on each side edge.
Tim, I can't comment on the photo other than to say something about it has uncovered a bug with the latest version of TapaTalk on iPad. Every time I click the image to see it the app crashes. I've sent off the crash log to their tech support.

Personally I think this is beautiful image. ; Almost painting like. ; HDR looks great on some images and others it would be best if left alone. ; I bracket all my shots in case i want to process HDR. ; if not it helps me when i missed the exposure settings. ;

thanks for sharing Tim. ; Looks great.
Removed color cast, sharpened a bit, cloned wires, tightened crop.



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^Big improvement. Personally, I still like your "regular" style a lot more, but as I mentioned above, this type of processing is not my cup of tea.
I can finally see it, and it was worth the wait. I like it.

Never having been to DL, it always struck me the the castle looked a bit odd. With that big solid foundation and then a significantly smaller top with turrets. It almost looks like some European church started construction, then a few hundred years later they came back and slapped an addition on top. Does it seem like that when actually standing in front of it?

"ELinder" said:
Never having been to DL, it always struck me the the castle looked a bit odd. With that big solid foundation and then a significantly smaller top with turrets. It almost looks like some European church started construction, then a few hundred years later they came back and slapped an addition on top. Does it seem like that when actually standing in front of it?


Does it seem odd? ; Well, as a So Cal resident who has only seen this castle in person, it seems perfectly "normal" to me.
It's the forced perspective Walt and his team brought from movie making in Burbank (a close relative of Hollywood) to the "real" world.

Take a look at this angle, and it should look more "real"


Of course I think everyone else's castles look tall and stretched out ;D

Will G


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That's probably it, I'm just so used to seeing the Florida castle. Went there for the first time in 1973, so I grew up thinking that's how a castle should look. :-)