Shots from Antietam

Thanks Deniz! It was a great morning. I've got a couple more I need to process. I'll post them when I get a chance.
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wonderful shots, great composition and processing, the silver effect reminds me of what some of the photography majors were doing in the late 60's when I was in college. I have been to Antietam and it is a somber place to walk and comtemplate over.
I also play in an 1860's brass band and at least have gotten to hear exactly what the music would have sounded like
Here's a couple more:

Bloody Lane:


130th Pennsylvania Infantry:


Burnside Bridge:

the bridge photo is awsome,

are you a Civil War Buff?

There are some great sites here in Georgia and around Atlanta

Ever been to Gettsburg?
Michael these shots are wonderful! That bridge shot is better with a little snow and ice, but it would be better with a lot more snow!
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Thanks guys!

BB, I don't consider myself a Civil War Buff, but I do enjoy visiting the battlefields to take photos. Yes I've been to Gettysburg, but not recently.

Poly, I agree about the bridge needing more snow. We didn't get much to start with and it all melted before I had a chance to get over there to take pictures. The stuff you see in the photo that looks like snow was actually a very heavy frost. When I got there there was steam rising from the creek that was causing a heavy frost to form on everything within a few feet of the water's edge. I wish I had my macro lens with me because some of the frost formations were really cool.
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