Sending in the 18-200 for repair


Staff member
After about 20,000 clicks, something happened to my favorite lens, the 18-200. Behind the front element and on part of the focusing mechanism there appears to be two "burned" holes with streaks going out to another lens element.
I am sending the lens into Nikon for warranty repair.
The lens is about 2.5 years old, luckily I bought a USA lens and not gray market!

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Oh, ugly. ; Let us know how it turns out and how much time Nikon took to turn it around. ; I'd be lost without that lens. ; Only lens I wish Nikon would duplicate in FX at 28-300 (I know there's a Tamron version but would gladly pay for Nikon quality and glass.)
I'm back in business!
The repair went flawlessly. Nikon recieved the lens by ups on 6-11. on 6-13 I received an email showing the lens was in the system and detailing the no cost warranty repair.
I recieved the lens yesterday on 6-25. I'm very happy with the turnaround time. I was expecting a much longer time.

The details:

adj infinity focus
General check and clean
RPL SWM ( replaced the autofocus motor)
RPL front element lens
adj auto focus operation

The repair left no tool marks or any sign of being worked on.
I am very pleased and very happy that I bought a USA lens for the extended warranty.
"Roger" said:
Wow. ; Did you know your motor was going out?
nope, no clue! It never stopped working, and the flare on the lens doesnt show in any photos, so I just kept using it until we got home from WDW. Every picture from my June 2009 WDW trip was taken with the "broken" lens!