Sending best wishes to TMIP member 'Cooleo' down in Cut Off, Louisiana...


Staff member
Hopefully you've evacuated or were out of town - Looks like the town of Cut Off is going to be right close to the eye of Gustav, and that's some pretty low lying land around there in Lafourche. Katrina passed to the right, and Rita passed to the left - Gustav might be coming right up the middle.

Having been through Cat 2 and 3 storms...they make quite a mess. So all the best wishes with you and your friends and family weathering the storm safely, and hopefully with your home intact too.

Get back to us here and check in as soon as you can to let us know you are safe.
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well put, justin. our thoughts and prayers are will all of the good folks who are in the way of gustav. hang in there, leo.
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Still no word from Cooleo? Hopefully he's just on a trip or something. I know Bayou Lafourche got hit pretty hard from Gustav, but word I got was that his town of Cut Off seemed to have faired pretty well. But I know that Ike also brought more flooding to the bayou regions of Louisiana, including LaFourche.

And of course, if there is anyone else going through the hurricane recovery in Louisiana or Texas on these boards, all my best wishes and sympathies...I've been there before (4 times actually), so I know what it's like having no power for weeks, trees blocking roads, commuting without traffic signals for months, home repairs that can't be done for months as contractors are all busy, etc. It isn't fun!
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