S.S.E. alight

Glad to hear of some random meetups. ; Always cool when that happens.

Loving that heat, huh Gary? ; Yeah, it's been unpleasant around here lately...walking around more than a few hundred feet carrying even something as light as a camera = big time sweat. ; I'd have probably met you on that bench in the shade - as a Floridian, I know the key to tolerating this hot, humid weather is to drink a lot, and take some rest breaks in the shade whenever you can.

I'll be doing it myself soon enough. ; I don't mind going to Disney in the heat...it's going to be just as hot down here, so if I've got to be hot someplace, might as well be Disney!
Kinda like the Castle, I think it is fun to get lots and lots of shots of SSE. ; It is IMHO very photogenic.

Here are a few of my favorites:





And shame on me, but I did get a few pictures inside the ride:



More here:

Tripod, Gary? ; Well, I'm sure this would be better with one but not bad.


Nikon D70/18-200VR, 1/15s, f/3.5, ISO 1250, EV +0.3, 18mm focal length
Thanks, Tim & Cooleo. ; The lights on those palm trees change colors. ; I have a similar shot from another trip where they are purple. ; Just like the way SSE looms over this scene.
I'll play too...

Unfortunately I don't have many shots of the golf ball since I didn't spend much time at EPCOT the last time I was there. ; After seeing all of the other great shots in this thread, I'll have to try to spend some more time there next time. ;

Anyway, here are my favorite day and night shots of SSE

