RIP Lights of Winter - Post Your Shots Shots Here

It's been confirmed...

Post your best shots of the show here.

I'll start:

Clicking the picture takes you to its Flickr page, where you can read (more of) my commentary about the confirmation of the cancellation of the Lights of Winter.
Re: RIP Lights of Winter - Post Your Shots Shots H

I got confirmation a few mins ago also. ; No LoW this year. ;
"obsolete technology" sounds a little....wrong.

There are plenty of things that are obsolete yet still work fine. ; Cassette tapes, VHS...

Now if the excuse had been "we can't find spare 8080 processors to run the lights"[nb]Space Shuttle joke[/nb] I'd understand better.
Re: RIP Lights of Winter - Post Your Shots Shots H

"Tim" said:
I got confirmation a few mins ago also. ; No LoW this year.

But are you singing in your choir? ; ;D ;D ;D
Tom, that's the shot I wanted to get this year! ; Oh, well...will figure something else out.

I don't have one good one so I'll give you three hand-helds..okay? ; It was always fun to see what color combinations would pop up.



I still can't believe I've seen my last Lights of Winter. ; :'( I always spent quality time around and under the lights and enjoying the music as part of my Disney Christmas festivities. ; Now I am really glad I spent lots of time there last year during MouseFest...

My photos aren't as nice as the rest here, but here's one from last year all the same.
"PolynesianMedic" said:
Scott I like that last shot you posted. ; The framing of the tree with the end of the LoW is really nice.

Thanks, PM. ; I agree and even have a 16x20 ordered to use as seasonal decoration in my home this year.

NitroStitch...I think that a very nice photo. ; Well done!
I don't have any really nice night shots, but here's one during the daytime so we can get a good look at what "obsolete technology" looks like.

Click on the photo to go to its Flickr page.
I only took pictures of it in 2006. and grabbed a quick couple in 2008.
oh well........

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